Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I should work for the CIA

The wireless internet here in my apartment is often sketchy. So today I was having trouble connecting at all. I looked at the list of other available wireless networks and noticed that my neighbor has taken the proactive step of getting her own wireless router and plugging it into the wall so that she doesn't have to rely on the university provided wireless network that is so bad. I on the other hand am too cheap to go and buy my own router and therefore have been plagued with patch internet service. Of course, I would like to connect to my neighbor's and take advantage of her responsible nature. However, the network is password protected.

Here's where the title of this post comes in. I successfully guessed her password on the first attempt! Admittedly, "princeton" is not a very creative password when the network requires the password to be 8 characters or more. But you've got to hand it to me for either incredible luck or incredible deftness as cracking passwords. I'm going to assume the latter.

I think I'll try my luck at for the rest of the afternoon.


Brea Didenhover Squires said...

Glad to see that life is boring again for you.

IYR said...

i don't suppose you considered just asking her if you could chip in and use the thing? jerk.