Sunday, August 30, 2009


In my anxiousness to talk about the cross country drive, I left out some great final moments in Provo. For me leaving Provo is bitter sweet. I've been there for a solid 5 years now and really grown into the city. It's the longest I've ever lived anywhere on my own, and the only other place I've spent more time in is Spokane. So its definately become home to me. To add to that,
I've lived in the greatest apartment. I'm sure going to miss the giant plasma high definition television and super nice couch that accompanies the TV and all its DVR glory, oh and I'll miss my roomates too. So to celebrate my graduation from Provo my roomates and I did something
I had never done while living in Utah. We went to Causey Reservoir near Ogden and went cliff jumping. It is for this reason that I love summer. When else do you get to do such fun things? Here is a picture of the five of us in mid-air. A nice couple in a canoe took it for us from the middle of the lake. We are jumping off of the lowest ledge since it was the only place that would fit all of us. It is about 25 feet from the water. John Lattin and John Hill both lept from the highest ledge which we agreed was close to 60 feet high. I have terrible estimation skills, so I initially said I thought it was about 40 feet. Ben and John Hill both disagreed and we finally agreed that 60 was about right. I was more inclined to trust Ben's estimation since John Hill had already jumped and had an interest in enlarging the height to increase his bragging rights. Ben, Taylor and I were satisfied by the still respectable 45 foot cliff. We all had a great time.

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